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Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

Using breath, postures, movement and mantra, Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan works on every level of the being to bring greater health, flexibility, and vitality. Meditations are often included at the end of class. For private sessions, I work with you to create a curriculum that is tailored to your body and your intentions for your practice. Yoga is proven, when practiced with conscious awareness, to reduce stress, increase strength and flexibilty, and increase mental functioning and focus.

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Matrix Energetics Sessions

Called a Consciousness Technology for Transformation, Matrix Energetics is so hard to describe with words. "Who Feels It, Knows It," is the best way I can describe the unique sensations created during a session. This is a subtle energy that is tangible and felt even before you walk in the door. In my training, I have seen physical healings take place with this that seem miraculous or impossible yet are truly manifested instantly! If you are looking to shift ANYTHING in your life, anything at all, you can use this modality as a tool to manifest change.

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