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Mary Elizabeth Browne (Sat Puran Kaur)

“The fact is that there is nothing more beautiful, more worthy or more conscious than you.”

~Yogi Bhajan

In the summer of 2007, two friends of mine invited me to a free talk given by Dr. Richard Bartlett introducing a 2 day workshop called Matrix Energetics. I showed up for the free talk and instantly fell in love with the technology for change in my life. In May 2008 I flew to Seattle and earned my practitioner certification.

My personal yoga practice has been a work in progress since 2003. After attending my first Kundalini class, I knew that the path to teaching would become a calling. I studied Kundalini Yoga under three of the most inspiring and wonderful teachers at Austin's Yoga Yoga. Mehtab, Guru Karam Kaur, and Siri Bahadur Khalsa continue to bless my path with their compassion, knowledge, and spirit. But it is especially their teacher, Yogi Bhajan, whose legacy and lineage we connect to with Kundalini Yoga. Receiving Kundalini Level 1 Certification in May 2010, I taught at Huntsville Health Movement from Jan 2011-May 2012. Under the ownership and direction of Sarah Imhoff-Jones, my training as a teacher solidified and my classes continue to evolve and grow with each offering.

With a B.A. in psychology from Southwestern University, my initial career path was in counseling. After 6 years in Austin of working with companies such as The American Cancer Society and Whole Earth Provision Co., I felt a professional calling towards naturopathic medicine. Moving to Portland in September 2012 is my next great adventure, and I look forward to serving the community there.